(Johnson-EU Presidents)[1] - 15 June 2020 The UK’s relations with Europe and “British exceptionalism” What has the UK learned in the last 46 years? Introduction It is now clear that …
A European Union of Citizens: Will UK nationals retain EU Citizenship?
Over the course of the previous years, a certain type of pressure was placed on the shoulders of both the representatives from the United Kingdom and the European Union to provide clarity on the …
A European Union of Citizens: Will UK nationals retain EU Citizenship?Read More
ALL CHANGE! Statements of truth and foreign language speakers
“The past is always tense, the future perfect.” ― Zadie Smith On 6 April 2020 important changes were made to Practice Directions 22 & 32 in relations to STATEMENTS OF TRUTH which I will …
ALL CHANGE! Statements of truth and foreign language speakersRead More
Invisible killers. C-19 and lessons from the slow-burn asbestos scandal.
Over the last few years since the SARS and Ebola Crises, intelligent and reliable sources of media have warned many times that there was a risk of a global pandemic. At the moment one of the items …
Invisible killers. C-19 and lessons from the slow-burn asbestos scandal.Read More
VAPE DEBATE: Unknown Risks to the Unborn, Children, Teenagers and Questionable Benefits
In November The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health published an excellent article: “E Cigarettes: Tar Wars: The (Tobacco) Empire Strikes Back”. Asbestos and the psychology of delay in …
VAPE DEBATE: Unknown Risks to the Unborn, Children, Teenagers and Questionable BenefitsRead More
May 2019’s European Circuit Event was a Huge Success!
23rd May’s #europeancircuit event was a huge success! Manchester Civil Justice centre (see photo) provided the perfect setting and HHJ Richard Pearce welcomed all to his court and chaired the session …
May 2019’s European Circuit Event was a Huge Success!Read More