My work at the Bar has always included personal injury litigation.
Latterly I have developed a niche practice in industrial disease High Court litigation, particularly respiratory injuries mainly due to asbestos.
Consequently, I have deep knowledge of respiratory physiology/medicine.
Personal Injury Claims – Asbestos Related Diseases
Here is a list of asbestos related diseases:
- Mesothelioma
- Asbestosis
- Lung cancer
- Pleural plaques
- Pleural thickening
- Pleural effusion
- Other cancer due to asbestos fibres migrating throughout the body (occasionally asbestos exposure is implicated in the causation of cancers of the gut, testicular cancer and very rarely other cancers such as ovarian)
Industrial Disease Claims
I also have knowledge of other industrial conditions (other dust disease, asthma, upper limb disorders). I was involved in the British Coal litigation for coal miners suffering from COPD and chronic bronchitis. This area of work is some of the most challenging of personal injury litigation and where, over recent years, the law of causation has evolved.
Clinical Negligence – Personal Injury Claims
I also deal with clinical negligence litigation, again partly due to expertise in medical science (I studied Medicine for 2 years before switching to Law at Oxford). I have dealt with cases involving the professional regulation of healthcare professionals, especially GMC and NMC.
Industrial Accidents Compensation Claims
I have dealt with many industrial accidents compensation claims and am familiar with health and safety Regulations emanating from European Directives.
Road Traffic Accident & Personal Injury Claims
I also deal with road traffic accident cases. Most of my work involves insurance companies and I often have to advise on insurance issues.
A significant element of my work is concerned with fatal accidents and disease. (I do not know whether that is linked to the fact that my MA dissertation in 2002 considered the law of death and dying).
I have dealt with other types of cases involving complex medical evidence, eg Coroner’s Inquests and Criminal Injuries Compensation scheme appeals.